Image of Angel Gabriel Lopez
<ImRLopezAg />

Software Engineer and polyglot developer with +2 years of personal projects, building applications and automating the boring stuff.

I have experience with a wide range of technologies, from Back-end to Front-end and looking forward to learn more.

Jan 24, 2021
Icon of midudev Sep 5, 2022
Design Patterns
Clean Code
Team Player
  1. MDA - Dextra

    Here I am working as software developer, developing solutions in microsoft business central.

  2. Tech Path

    This is a platform which upgrade the performance of the principal web pages of ITLA which is the university where I study.

  3. Cash Banking

    Based on Paypal UI and UX, this product is a MVP to get knowledge about the financial sector.

  4. Air Estate

    I was developing a MVP like Airbnb, but for real estate, this product was developed with a team of 3

  5. VillaCampa School of Technology

    My labor was teach to children the basic concepts of programming and computer science.

Projects .

Medical Manager

This web app allows you to manage a medical center with patients, doctors and appointments.

open on GitHub.
Social Network

A social network that allows you to create posts, comments and add friends.

open on GitHub.
Movies app

A simple movies app using the TMDB API to show the recent movies and shows

open on GitHub.
Air Estate

This project allows you to manage a real estate agency, create properties and clients.

open on GitHub.
TS Api Template

A typescript api template that makes your development easier using generic repositories and services with dependency injection, a simple authentication system and with support for SQL and NoSQL databases.

open on GitHub.
Scientific Calculator

A simple scientific calculator

open on GitHub.
Cash Banking

This is a mvp of a banking app that allows you to manage money as a bank.

open on GitHub.
Tech Path

This project was created to upgrade the performance of students scores web page of the university where I study, using NextJs with TRPC and TailwindCss.

open on GitHub.

This is a E-commerce app that allows you to buy and sell products.

open on GitHub.
Task AI

Task manager app using next.js with Oauth2 authentication, and a AI to generate reports.

open on GitHub.